As of 2024 the CRV program has expanded to include LIQUOR and WINE BOTTLES as well as other liquor and wine container types like boxes, bladders and pouches. Containers need to be completely intact (including box, bladder and spout) to qualify for CRV redemption. Additionally, you can now get PAID for large fruit and vegetable juice containers which were previously excluded from the CRV program.

Thank you very much in advance if you can please sort glass liquor and wine bottles by color with the rest of your CRV glass containers prior to visiting One Earth.
We applaud The State’s move to make the CRV program more inclusive. The confusion about which container types are payable and which are not has caused frustration for our customers as well as our teammates. Thankfully, the list of container types that do not qualify for California Redemption Value is now much shorter. Please take the inclusion of wine and liquor bottles as a sign and come hit us up for the California Redemption Value money you are owed.
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