We sh*t you not!

Pooping out plastic not a painful process BY Ashley Braun 26 OCT 2010 3:57 PM Crap — it’s so versatile! It can heat your house, fertilize your garden, and power the grid. And now creative types have squeezed another use out of this universal human product...

Green TP

At Kimberly-Clark, innovation, sustainability meets toilet paper By Larry Dignan | Oct 27, 2010 | 8 Comments SharePrintRecommend1 Kimberly-Clark is innovating on the toilet paper front in an effort to save paper. The USA Today reports that the manufacturer of paper...

San Fran’s zero-waste ambission

Garbage: it’s gross, it stinks, and all anyone wants is to be rid of it. For most cities, that means sending thousands of tons of unwanted flotsam and jetsam to landfills every day. But in San Francisco, garbage is treated like a resource that shouldn’t be...

Google’s Next Conquest: THE SUN

Google’s clean power ambitions are ramping up. The company has hired Philip Gleckman, former chief scientist at solar thermal startup eSolar, to work on solar tech internally for Google, Green Energy Reporter first reported, and we’ve confirmed with Google. Google’s...

Produce with sex appeal

Everybody knows there’s no fate worse than being a vegetable. Oh, how those healthy veggies must pine after hungry shoppers as they bypass nutritious stacks of produce en route to snack aisle nirvana. If only vegetables had bright packaging, adrenaline-packed...