Regarding comingled curbside recycling

 BY ASK UMBRA Q. Dear Umbra, It seems that commingled recycling could not be as efficient as separated recycling. Although I am aware that it increases the percentage of garbage that is recycled, I wonder if there is any reason to separate my waste and find an...

Ford To Use Recycled Bottles In Car Seat Fabric

One popular American automotive manufacturer has announced plans to use recycled plastic to create upholstery for the car seats in some 2012 vehicles. According to Chris Woodyard of USA Today, Ford Motor Company has announced that they will use approximately two...

Why recycle?

EarthTalk® — Environmental Commentary by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss of E – The Environmental Magazine Recycling and re-use have many environmental benefits, including reducing the amount of waste we bury in already overcrowded landfills and burn in...

INFOGRAPHIC: The History of Recycling

by Leah Blunt Published on November 15th, 2011 3 Comments Recycling has been around in one form or another for centuries, but what do you really know about it? Archaeologists have found evidence of recycling that took place around or perhaps earlier than 400 B.C....

The kitchen of the future runs on leftovers

BY JESS ZIMMERMAN 2 NOV 2011 9:30 AM The kitchen of Philips Design’s “Microbial Home” turns food waste into compost and cooking gas. Organic waste gets thrown in a “bio-digester,” where specialized bacteria processes it into methane gas...

This bridge is made from recycled plastic

BY JESS ZIMMERMAN 3 NOV 2011 9:30 AM This 90-foot bridge in Wales Scotland (whoops, the company is Welsh, not the bridge) is Europe’s first to be made entirely out of recycled plastic, not to mention the longest plastic bridge ever built. More than 50 tons of...